Good afternoon friends of Care and Share!
Holiday preparations are underway here at the food bank. Every corner of the warehouse is bustling today.
We have a group of volunteers from Wells Fargo in the repack room sorting food. (Shameless plug here for our Sort Out Hunger volunteer event taking place on November 7th. Learn more.)
Next, on the back loading dock, we have a truck load of food, including highly desired cereal, coming in from our counterparts at Roadrunner Food Bank in New Mexico as a part of a regional collaboration we’re apart of.
In the refrigerator, we have an amazing variety of fruits and vegetables ready to head out to our partner agencies. Hubbard squash, zucchini, corn, peppers, watermelon, and apples. As you might have seen in our annual report, 83% of the food we distributed last year was highly nutritious.
In particular, here are two totes of watermelon heading down to La Junta Associated Charities tomorrow.
Lastly, in our front shopping area, we have volunteers sorting through expired meat and poultry that have been freezer burned or are past the point of human consumption. In this case, they’re sorting out meats that don’t have any spices or flavoring on it so it can be given to Indigo Mountain Nature Center, an animal sanctuary where it will be used for food for the animals.
If you want to join in on the fun, there are a bunch of events and volunteer opportunities in the coming days and weeks. We hope you see YOU around the food bank soon.
Have a great day and thanks for reading!