Hi, Care and Share friends!
If you attended our most recent Recipe for Hope luncheon, then you most likely remember Zodok. The student guest speaker was getting ready to enter his last year of high school. That was six months ago. Can you believe it? We decided to catch up with Zodok to see what he’s been up to and what he’s looking forward to as he get’s closer to graduation. It’s safe to say Zodok is a pretty busy senior.
C&S: What have you been up to since we last saw you at Recipe?
Zodok: Everything has been good! After Recipe, I started preparing for my college exams and I passed all four of the exams. I’ve been looking at colleges and I’ve decided which top four colleges I want to apply to. I recently visited CU Boulder and I really like it. Unfortunately, I’m not interning at the Food Pantry this year. But my sister is! She just turned sixteens, and I hope I set a good example for her.
C&S: Do you think she’s volunteering at the Pantry because she saw you do it?
Zodok: I feel like that has a lot to do with it, even though she doesn’t like to admit it. It makes me feel really good, seeing her interacting with everyone else.
C&S: It seems like you have some pretty big dreams. Do yo think that the Food Pantry had an influence on where you see yourself going in the future?
Zodok: I feel like it definitely helped me. If I never had applied for the Food Pantry, I never would have been able to do Recipe for Hope. I reminisce on the experiences. I like thinking about how confident I am as a public speaker now- like, if I’m going to have an interview with a few people, it’s nothing compared to talking in front of a thousand people. It boosted my confidence a lot.