Good morning friends of Care and Share!
Time is running out for our Raise Your Fork campaign, which ends April 30th. So far, we have raised $4,562 towards our $40,000 goal. With only 9 days remaining, we need a lot of help!
Crowd funding is successful when many people pitch in and give what they can. Sharing our message with your friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers, etc. can truly make a difference. For example, at the beginning of the campaign, two sisters came in to our warehouse, each with $100 checks, because they were listening to 106.3 and heard Captain Dan’s pitch for our campaign. They said that they wanted to give because they realize people don’t understand how important equipment was to getting our work accomplished.
We also had a young guest visit our warehouse and he was so inspired by our Raise Your Fork campaign that he went home and built this!
You never know what will inspire people to give, but we do know that they won’t give if they are not asked! If you have a few minutes today, please help us in our quest to get a new forklift by sharing this link and a few words about why we need a new forklift. Maybe you know that we can’t feed our Southern Colorado neighbors at risk of hunger without working, reliable equipment, or maybe you just think forklifts are really cool! Whatever the reason, we need your voice.
Thank you so much for your help and for sharing in our belief that no one should go hungry.