Monica Wiedrick is a Colorado Springs native and has lived in Colorado for forty years, off and on. “My dad served and retired from the Army, so I had a chance to travel quite a bit. I spent a lot of time in the Midwest – Nebraska and South Dakota where my family is originally from,” Monica shared. She had heard about Care and Share as a prominent nonprofit organization in Colorado Springs and was immediately drawn to the mission and values. Her journey with Care and Share began two years ago when she first started as the USDA Programs Specialist. “I oversaw two specific USDA programs – The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). I became a liaison between Care and Share and several Colorado Springs partner agencies,” explains Monica. She was then given the opportunity to work hands on as a Warehouse Distribution Associate and gained in-depth experience within the warehouse and became forklift certified. In just a few months, Monica was offered the Packing and Sorting Coordinator position, and began working closely with volunteers.
Monica is overwhelmed with gratitude when thinking about the volunteers she interacts with. “I am grateful every day for our volunteers and the time they selflessly donate to us. We would not be able to provide food for our neighbors in need without the help of our volunteers. Their support strengthens my faith in the community.” She enjoys meeting first-time volunteers and making their first experience a positive one. With her programs and warehouse background, she enjoys giving volunteers an in-depth look at the scope of Care and Share.
In her spare time, Monica enjoys spending time outdoors, hiking and camping. She is a huge pop culture and Disney fanatic, and loves quality time with her friends, family, and pets. If you’re interested in meeting Monica in person and working side-by-side with her, email Brenda Spector, Volunteer Engagement Manager at, to find out how you can volunteer!