Good morning friends of Care and Share!
The quote featured in Monday’s County Highlight was taken from a community needs assessment of child food insecurity throughout our service area. We also received the following story from a Send Hunger Packing site coordinator during the assessment:
“I have one student in 3rd grade who essentially is the caretaker of his mother, who is disabled and wheel chair bound, and of his little brother in our Kindergarten class, this 3rd grade boy has to make sure his little brother who has mental health problems, gets home safely to mom, about 6 blocks away from school. One afternoon he had his bike, his brother and a bunch of big cardboard display stuff from a science project to transport all by himself. He came to me in tears saying he could not do it all, and they needed the food really bad at home. He was having trouble wheeling the backpack, holding on to his brother and his bike. He asked if I had a backpack with straps instead of the wheels, so he could carry it on his back instead. So I found a regular backpack in our school supplies, transferred all his food to the new backpack, helped him get it onto his back, and on his way home. He was smiling by the time he left, and came back Monday morning ready to deal with his week.”
Stories like this remind us that there are always heroes among us. We are truly honored to serve children in need throughout our service area. To learn more about the Send Hunger Packing program, please visit: