Dear friends of Care and Share,
Fridays are a time to reflect on all of the amazing things that we accomplished during the week and to look forward to all of the things that we have yet to do.
This week, we hosted many new volunteers, met with community leaders, made connections, and sparked ideas.
We received truckloads of donated food items, distributed hundreds of thousands of pounds of food to our neighbors in need, and we harvested fruits and vegetables from our own Care and Share gardens and greenhouse.
As we look forward, we are preparing for the holiday season and thinking about all of the ways we can ensure that those in need can have turkeys for Thanksgiving and food in their pantries during the cold, Colorado winter. This is a huge task, and although it requires countless hours of work, it is our favorite time of year.
As we look even further down the road, we are finding innovative ways to accomplish Within Reach, our five-year plan that will provide access to all Southern Coloradoans at risk of hunger. Can you imagine the day when we can say that we provided access to food to the 171,000 people in our service area struggling with food insecurity? It’s going to be epic!
We have so many things to look forward to and to be grateful for, including you.
Thank you for your support and have a wonderful weekend,
The Care and Share team