Good morning friends of Care and Share!
We hope that everyone who wants to help families, children and seniors who face hunger will join us in the fight against hunger! There are many simple ways to show your support for Care and Share and community members struggling with hunger in your community. Feeding America has shared the following ideas:
- Learn More. Hunger affects every community, race, culture and gender, yet it is often surprising for many to learn just how many of our neighbors and friends are struggling with this issue. Educating yourself and others about how hunger truly affects this nation is a big step towards ending it
- Spread the word. Hunger Action Month is an awareness campaign and we need support from everyone. Please share this vital information with your friends, family, co-workers and everyone you know. Together we can solve hunger
- Check out the Map. Most people think that hunger is a problem “over there,” but Americans are struggling with hunger in every county right here in the United States. You can learn about the rates of hunger in your community here
- Volunteer. Join the thousands of volunteers expected to participate in local food bank activities throughout the United States this month. Learn more about Care and Share’s volunteer opportunities and how you can get involved in the fight to end hunger
- Share your Story. Consider sharing your experience with hunger. Whether you see a friend or family member struggling with it, work to volunteer at a hunger-relief organization, or face it every day. Send your story to Shannon Coker, our Marketing and Communications Director, at
- Join Spoontember. Spoontember is a new social activation to engage the public and help raise awareness of the 1 in 6 Americans struggling with hunger. You would simply attempt to balance a spoon on your nose – a utensil that is most often used to prepare and provide food for others – and share a ‘soon selfie.’ Then spread awareness about domestic hunger by posting your spoon selfie to social media along with a hunger statistic and challenge your friends and family to do the same. Don’t forget to #Spoontember!
- Follow the movement. Join the conversation on social media as Feeding America, our nationwide network of 200 local food banks and other leaders in hunger-relief bring attention to this crisis. This will be the place for you to find out the many ways to engage in Hunger Action Month and learn more about the struggle so many Americans are facing. Find us at #HungerActionMonth on Facebook and Twitter