More than Nourishment | Ute Mountain Ute Spotlight

For Tribal Chairman Manuel Heart and the Ute Mountain Ute tribe, food means more than just nourishment; it’s a way to connect with the land they’ve lived on for generations. “A long time ago [members] used to go up in the mountains. In early spring, you’d see wild onions around the mountain. Mid-summer, you’d start […]

Employee Spotlight: Taylor Lewis

Every month we like to introduce one of the many fabulous employees who help Care and Share fulfill its mission. This month we are featuring our Direct Services Coordinator, Taylor Lewis! Hello! I am the Direct Services Coordinator and have been at Care and Share for just over a year. I have the privilege of […]

Feeding Colorado Welcomes Legislators to Food Banks and Food Pantries

During the month of August, food banks and food pantries across Colorado hosted state and federal representatives for tours and site visits. At Care and Share, we were happy to host Representative Mary Bradfield at our Sunny Side Market in Fountain (pictured above). Representative Bradfield took a tour of the market and spoke with the […]

Yamili | Love and Seasoning Through Send Hunger Packing

With school back in session, we’re once again greeted with the sight of hundreds of Send Hunger Packing bags ready to go out to our school partners each week. Those bags – filled with a variety of food that students in our community can take home for the weekend – remind us of kids like […]

Employee Spotlight: Jason Feld

Every month we like to introduce one of the many fabulous employees who help Care and Share fulfill its mission. This month we are featuring our Procurement and IT Director, Jason Feld! Jason (he/him) is the Procurement and IT Director for Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado. His responsibilities include oversight of purchasing, […]

Employee Spotlight: Hannah Schlueter

Every month we like to introduce one of the many fabulous employees who help Care and Share fulfill its mission. This month we are featuring our Marketing Coordinator, Hannah Schlueter. Hannah considers herself to be from both Washington State and Iowa, having grown up in the Seattle area and lived in Iowa for most of […]

Employee Spotlight: Tricia Thomas

Every month we like to introduce one of the many fabulous employees who help Care and Share fulfill its mission. This month we are featuring our Food Procurement Coordinator, Tricia Thomas. “My name is Tricia Thomas, and I am the Food Procurement Coordinator for Care and Share Food Bank For Southern Colorado. I have worked […]

A look back and ahead with Lynne

Lynne Telford has been CEO of Care and Share Food Bank since March 14, 2011. We have grown tremendously as an organization during her 11 year tenure, and we are grateful for her leadership.

The Gazette-El Pomar Foundation Empty Stocking Fund

The Gazette – El Pomar Foundation Empty Stocking Fund transforms lives in so many different ways, and Care and Share is proud to be one of the several nonprofits in the Pikes Peak region to benefit from donations raised each year. The 2021-22 campaign was a huge success — raising more than $1.7 million total! […]