Why Waste Food? Feed it to the Wolves

Have you ever been to our distribution center? When you walk into the state-of-art-freezer (which sits at a comfortable -15 degrees Fahrenheit), you’ll come across a tote of meat labeled “Not Safe For Human Consumption.” While it can’t be distributed to our partner agencies, that doesn’t mean it has to go to the landfill. After all, at Care and Share, we work hard to limit our food waste and be good stewards of the environment.

So where does the meat go? To local wolf sanctuaries just west of Colorado Springs.

Colorado Wolf Adventures will pick up the frozen meat at our distribution center, load it into a truck, and take it back to their location where the food will then be inspected and sorted for their wolves.


Colorado Wolf Adventures is one of the organizations that receives donated meat from us. Owner Peggy Jehly says she and her husband are able to teach people how important wolves are to the ecosystem and how to coexist with wild animals.

Apache is the newest addition to the pack at Colorado Wolf Adventures. Though they have small amounts of god in them, many were born-in-captivity wolves, wrongfully owned by humans, and some even came from neglectful homes.


Peggy says the rescued wolves have a mighty appetite, so making sure they have enough food is always important. “These guys eat between 5-8 pounds of meat each day… so you figure times five wolves, and depending on the time of the year, looking at 45 pounds of meat a day,” said Peggy. “It saves us a lot of money. Care and Share has been great. I don’t know what we would do without them.”

For more information on Colorado Wolf Adventures, visit www.coloradowolfadventures.com.


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