Good afternoon friends of Care and Share,

Remember our Within Reach update about our new partnership with Starbucks a while back? Well we are excited to announce that, after months of planning, we launched this new endeavor last night!!

We hit a few snags, found some areas to improve on, and some things we’ll need to change. But overall it was a great success.

From Monument to Pueblo, we picked up a total of 340 pounds of food, which is the equivalent of 283 meals, from nearly 30 Starbucks! Averaging the stores that donated, each store provided 15.5 pounds of delicious food that otherwise would have gone to waste.

Jason, Resource Manager, unloading Starbucks goodies for our partner agencies
Nick, our Local Overnight Driver Supervisor

This morning, our partner agencies were greeted with amazing Starbucks food for their clients struggling with hunger.

We are so excited for this new partnership and grateful to the employees of Starbucks for advocating for hunger relief and for finding a way to minimize food waste in our country. Because of their dedication, we now have one more way to get more food to more people in more places.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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