Staff Guest Blogger: Jason Feld

My name is Jason Feld and I am the Resource Manager for Care and Share Food Bank. As the Resource Manager, is it my primary responsibility to get food into the warehouse. I work with farmers, retailers, restaurants, manufacturers, the Feeding America national office, and other sources to procure food for distribution to our partner agencies who help us feed our Southern Colorado neighbors in need.

I have been with Care and Share now for just over five months. Originally from Chicago, I moved to Colorado about a year ago. What brought me to Care and Share was the search for something more than a job. After spending most of my working life in corporate America, I was looking for something that was fun and meaningful. As the son of two firefighters, and having been involved in Boy Scouts of America for 25 years, helping others is in my blood and something I very much enjoy doing.

What I like most about my job is working to rescue food that might otherwise have gone unused, learning about new types of interesting produce, and knowing that when I bring in a 40,000 pound load of sweet potatoes there are people who will not only have something nice and nutritious to eat, but something that they might otherwise have been unable to afford.

I have never worked with a better or more dedicated team of people in all of my professional life and I look forward to a long and fulfilling career here at Care and Share.

Thank you for reading and for all you do to help us fulfill our mission.


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