Service Insights on Meal Connect (SIMC) is a free, all-in-one online universal data collection tool for neighbor intake that will take the place of current paper or database intake processes. Check your email for a PowerPoint with more information about SIMC! Click HERE to complete the survey if you haven’t already.
Email if you didn’t get the PowerPoint or have any questions.
Better data = more funding = more resources = better equity = more appropriate food
No more reports! Data is available in real time online.
No more TEFAP applications! (CSFP compatibility coming soon!)
Data security – SIMC uses data encryption similar to your bank
IT’S FREE!! Tablets, training and access to the website at absolutely no cost to you, ever!

What if neighbors don’t want to answer the questions?
There are “opt out” or “anonymous” options at every level of the system. All we ask is that you allow the neighbors to make those decisions themselves.
Is this system required?
Yes. Per the agency contract, participation in data collection is required.
What if I already do data intake?
Exceptions to using SIMC may be made for agencies already using a different online system (e.g. EmpowOR), but all agencies will be asked to gather the same set of data. The Service Insights team will work with agencies individually to find the best method of reporting.
What if I don’t know how to use this system?
We will work with you to train you, your staff and your volunteers, as needed. Trainings and support can happen online, by phone, and/or in person, depending on need and preference.
What if something goes wrong?
The Service Insights team will help you set up the site and provide ongoing support.
When will we need to begin using this online system?
Pilot agencies have already begun training in SIMC! The Service Insights team will reach out to your agency in the coming months to discuss timelines. Our current goal is to have all agencies in some stage of training by the end of 2024.
Can I start sooner than that?
Yes! Check your email for links to sign up for training!