Become a Mobile Market Partner

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Learn more about our Mobile Market Program

Thank you for your interest in the Mobile Market Program! These markets are like grocery stores on wheels. Using a repurposed beverage truck, our team brings the food directly to places that may not have a food pantry or could use extra assistance. If you're interested in hosting a Mobile Market in your area, you can follow the steps below to begin your application.

What does a Mobile Market Distribution look like?

The Mobile Market arrives 30-60 minutes prior to the scheduled distribution loaded with food made available by Care and Share Food Bank. The Mobile Market will park in a designated area determined by the host site. The space should be able to accommodate a 40’ x 20’ parameter.

Volunteers or host site staff will help the Mobile Market Driver set-up product for distribution. As each neighbor arrives, they will join the line and register or check-in through Service Insights on MealConnect (SIMC) before they begin shopping. Volunteers and staff will be stationed throughout the shopping area to check-in neighbors, restock, answer questions, and support neighbors where needed. 

At the end of the distribution, volunteers and/or staff will assist with closing the Mobile Market. Any remaining product at the end of the Market will be taken back with the Mobile Market for future distributions!

Step 1: Review our pre-partnership checklist

Before beginning the application process, please review the Pre-Partnership Checklist to ensure you can meet the following requirements:

Step 2: Read the Areas of Focus Document and Apply!

Please use our Areas of Focus document to assist you while completing the online application. This document lays out what our team looks for in a Mobile Market site. Once submitted, your application will be reviewed. Reviews take place quarterly in December, March, June, and September.

Our team will notify host sites if they have been selected. At that point, the host site will meet with the Direct Services Coordinator to review and complete the Host Site Agreement

Got questions?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page!

Contact us

Reach out to our Direct Services Coordinator for any additional questions or information.

Host the Mobile Market at your event!

Holding an event and want to include the Mobile Market? Please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible. Someone from our team will reach out shortly.

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