Hunger Quiz

Think you know the facts about hunger in America? Take Feeding America’s Hunger Quiz!

True or False?

  1. One in six American does not have access to enough food.
  2. Most individuals struggling with hunger are homeless and out of work.
  3. Very few children struggle with hunger because there are programs to take care of them.
  4. Most people in low-income households would be fine if they just worked harder.
  5. Even educated people struggle with issues of hunger in this country.
  6. The lack of adequate nutrition only affects children’s physical growth.
  7. In school, children from food insecure households perform just as well as children who have enough nutrition daily.
  8. More than 2 million rural households experience food insecurity.
  9. Urban counties have the highest poverty rates in the United States.
  10. 49 million Americans don’t have dependable, consistent access to enough food due to limited money and resources.

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