Get involved

doing good has never felt so fulfilling

Join the fight against hunger

There are so many ways you can take action and support children, families, and seniors who are facing hunger in our community. Whether you give us your time, talent, or treasure, every act of kindness gets us one step closer to a hunger-free Southern Colorado.

Donate funds

For every $1 donated, we can provide 5 meals to our neighbors in need. Donate one or set up a recurring gift.

Donate food

Peanut butter, canned vegetables and fruits, boxed goodies—your donated food nourishes our mission.


When we're united, we're stronger than ever. Give us the gift of your time.

Host a CARE Drive

Get your friends, family, or co-workers involved with your philanthropy by hosting a food or fund drive for Care and Share.

Attend an event

Our signature events, including Recipe for Hope, help us make great strides in our fundraising goals.


Everyone's voice matters. Help raise awareness around the issue of hunger across Southern Colorado.

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