Empty Stocking Fund Starts Today!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Please enjoy this guest blog post from Beau Kelly, El Pomar Foundation Fellow:

My name is Beau Kelly, and I am in the Fellowship Program at El Pomar Foundation.  I help direct the Gazette-El Pomar Foundation Empty Stocking Fund. Throughout the campaign, I lead a team of five coworkers to coordinate media outreach and to organize fundraising events.
The Empty Stocking Fund benefits 20 nonprofit organizations in the Pikes Peak region, including Care and Share. These agencies work tirelessly to support people in crisis while helping others achieve self-sufficiency. The Empty Stocking Fund has raised over $1 million annually 2007.
Working behind the scenes of a $1 million fundraising campaign inspires me. I am blown away by both the agencies who accomplish incredible work in our community and the donors who have been committed to this cause for 30 years! They give because this campaign changes lives, and their dedication keeps me going.
Last year at Care and Share, our team helped pack backpacks for the Send Hunger Packing program. The backpacks provide weekend meals for low-income students and their families in our community. Through our experience, we witnessed the impressive volunteer coordination of Care and Share, and we got a ton of backpacks ready for hungry students! 
I am thankful for the opportunity to volunteer with our partner agencies and see the way they improve our community. The Send Hunger Packing program is only one of the amazing programs that we see on a regular basis through our work with Empty Stocking Fund.
Colorado Springs comes together each year to support our friends, neighbors, and those in need through the Empty Stocking Fund campaign. The local media lends a hand to tell the success stories of our agencies. The business community plans and sponsors fundraising events. Donors and volunteers support the agencies directly to help individuals attain stability and self-sufficiency. 
Together we work for the greater good.
I love playing a small role in making this campaign a success.
Please join the team to raise $1 million this year! Learn more and donate here!

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