Looking for an organization that can make your dollar go really far? We have learned to leverage all of our resources to their fullest potential–for every dollar we receive, $0.95 is spent on our hunger relief programs and only $0.05 is spent on administrative expenses. Further, because of our affiliation with Feeding America, we can acquire truckloads of food at very inexpensive rates. For one dollar, we can procure 10 pounds of food, which is the equivalent of 8 meals!!
For the first time ever, Colorado Gives Day features a $1 Million Incentive Fund, one of the largest gives-day incentive funds in the country. This means every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the Incentive Fund.
Your gift to us on Colorado Gives Day increases the value of every dollar you donate. Please consider prescheduling your donation today: https://www.coloradogives.org/careandshare/overview