Become a food partner agency

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You can help feed your neighbors in need

There is more than one way to give. We couldn’t distribute millions of pounds to our hungry neighbors without the help of volunteers. Find where you fit in the fight to end hunger in Southern Colorado.

This is an impact statement about volunteering at Care and Share and why it’s an amazing way to join the fight to end hunger in Southern Colorado.

Start a fundraiser

This isn’t your grandmother’s fundraiser. Or maybe it is! This is an impact statement about starting a fundraiser for Care and Share.

“Everyone at Care and Share has passion, and that brings out my passion. I really wish I could give more.”

“Everyone at Care and Share has passion, and that brings out my passion. I really wish I could give more.”
Shannon Coker
Lorem ipsum dolor
A community garden for all
Jessica was determined to create a garden at the Murray Hill Apartment Community where there was a large outdoor space overgrown with weeds. She approached her landlord about creating a garden for the residents of the apartment.
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Use simple backgrounds
Try not to use photos where people's faces are prominent as they may get covered up in these slides.
Objects or patterns work well
Backgrounds that include different types of food, a warehouse shot, a close-up of the side of a mobile market truck, etc. would work well for background photos.
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