Good morning friends of Care and Share!
Last Wednesday, The Gazette-El Pomar Foundation Empty Stocking Fund hosted their recipient agencies annual bowling tournament to prepare for their 2017-2018 campaign, which will kick-off on Thanksgiving Day 2017 and run through January 2018. For the fourth year straight, Care and Share’s Hunger Strikes bowling team won first place!
Two other Care and Share teams joined in on the fun this year – Lettuce Turnip the Beet and Not Fit for Human Consumption. Everyone enjoyed an exciting night of bowling and cheering!
The Gazette-El Pomar Foundation Empty Stocking Fund provides vital resources and support for Care and Share’s hunger relief efforts, as well as the important work of 19 other local health and human service agencies throughout the Pikes Peak region. We look forward to this year’s campaign!
Thanks for reading and have a great day.