Volunteer Highlight | Tom Korytowski

Good morning friends of Care and Share! 

This month we’d like to recognize and sincerely thank seven-year volunteer Tom Korytowski for all the effort he continually puts into our Send Hunger Packing program. While speaking to Tom, several chimes of “he’s a great guy” from fellow volunteers attested to Tom’s obvious merit. 
Tom was first introduced to Care and Share by his former employer, whose staff members would often come together as a group to volunteer. After retiring, Tom continued volunteering in the packing and sorting section. Tom was then introduced and immediately fell in love with our Send Hunger Packing program, which provides children in need with backpacks full of food every Friday afternoon during the school year. 
This particular Care and Share program really hit home for Tom, as he is a former middle school teacher. Tom knows firsthand that brain development is very critical for school-age children and that proper nutrition is key to academic success. When the recession hit in 2007, Tom saw that when people lost jobs, the kids were the ones to suffer the most. They lost basic needs, such as healthcare and regular access to nutritious food.  Tom is motivated to help the children of Southern Colorado that regularly face these challenges. 
He says, “I am very pleased to be doing work for a great cause that affiliates with schools.” Together, with partners such as Tom, we bridge the gap between hunger and abundance. Tom imagines that a community where no one went hungry would be absolutely ideal. Thank you Tom! 
If you would like to get involved as a Care and Share volunteer, please click here
Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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